Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Time for a Goal Update

So January is over which means I only have 11 months to finish my goals, lets see how I'm doing!1) Participate in a 10k run
I've been traning by running 3 times weekly on the treadmill. I can now run for 4 min at a time and today I ran 20 min in total. Soooooo all that to say I have a lot more work but I'm slowly moving in that direction.
2) Lose 50lbs
I'm only down 3lbs this month :S but I'm trying to stick with Weight Watchers and excersising so all I can do is keep doing is try.
3) Go to a country I've never been to
well I have put over $300 in savings now for this trip!!!! Now I just need a travel friend!
4) Learn to make GF bread
well I haven't really tried yet but I've been doing some other GF baking
5) Spend more time reading my Bible and Praying
I have found that my time at the gym is a great time to pray, listen to messages on my Ipod and inspiring music.

So there it is my month #1 update. How are your New Years goals going?