and finished out outside! Let me tell you a couple things I learned while decorating outside.
1) Decorate before it gets too cold.

2) Things (aka candy cane lights) won't stick into a frozen ground
3) If you do need to decorate when it's cold... wear LOTS of clothing

Let's see what other preperations... We have lots of presents bought and wrapped!!!! One perk? of having a big family is you get to buy TONS of gifts!
Hmm... what else??? We bough a turkey!!! We even got it for a really great price! Okay so we assume we did because the sign said only one per household... they don't say that unless it's a really good deal!
Okay so that's about it when it comes to Christmas prep for now... but Saskatchewan has prepared itself as well... we got snow. I was wanting a green Christmas but like that is ever
going to happen here
Christmas is coming
the goose is getting fat!
I'm imagining that most of the presents under the tree are for moi?
Am I imagining correctly?
I decorated my apartment yesterday!!!
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