First things first lets look at the summer to do list
- Go camping ~ DONE!
- Finish my Quilt ~ Bahaha not even close
- Go to a rodeo ~ nope but I have plans to attend the PBR in November
- Enter my pictures into a fair! ~ hahah wasn't in town for the entry dates
- Go to a fair ~ okay so I did do this with work
- Take a trip to the States ~ not yet... maybe once heather gets back???
- Go Home ~ done x3!!!
- See the Ocean (and I don't mean from the ferry) ~ Done x3!!!!
- Read 1 book a week ~ I did lots of reading but since I didn't keep track I'm not sure if I met this one
- Write a cookbook (well start one) ~ Ya so too busy traveling to get this done :S
Okay so now it's time for some summer pictures I missed these past few months:
Kaila and I at Jess and Mikes wedding!

Between the wedding and reception Kaila and I hung out, we took 100 pics... here's two of them!

The ocean on my first trip home! This picture reminds me of Swiss Family Robinson

Pictures from our trip to Yohetta... the fun ones to take!

I Drove a Quad for the first time this summer!!! I didn't know how much I would enjoy it as I usally don't like "scary, dare devily" things... but I LOVED IT!!! I want one to drive around Caronport now!

On our way home from Yohetta we had a few set backs and I ended up arriving at the airport at 7:30pm... my flight left at 7:30pm :( So I got a flight for the next morning. Because mom, Kaila and the kids needed to catch a ferry home I was needing a hotel for the night... mom helped me look but we couldn't find anything... well I was able to find a hotel! I stayed at the Fairmont at the airport! This was hands down the nicest hotel I have ever stayed in! I got a $150 discount and it's still the most I ever paid for a hotel but it was worth it!

Chemainus theater is one of my favorite things every summer! This Summer Mom, Heather, Jenn and I went to see Guys and Dolls... I didn't know anything about this play but I was not at all disapointed! We had an amazing dinner with the most perfect desert! And the play was pefect!

This was my favorite song in the play!
Another thing I have done for the past few summers is bring Jenn, Karl and Brent Camping. This year Aiden joined us as well. I learned a few things... most important that I need help if I'm going to bring 4 kids camping! However we did have many great times... with a few not so great!

Awesome post Andrea! It has been a fabulous summer-thanks for all the special times we had with you! Let's do it again next year!
Where's the tye dye?
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