Well Heather Came out to visit me for the weekend! It was amazing to see her... I love visitors!!! Anyways so on Saturday we decided that we needed to do something exciting so we bunndled up... it was -50 with the windchill... and loaded in her rental car and we headed for Rouleau aka Dog River... we were going to see where Corner Gas is filmed! We spent the hour driving out to the town and when we got there we went on an adventure to find the actual location of filming. This town was about the size of umm... caronport... finally we found it! it was burried under a huge pile of snow... and there wasn't even a stinkin sign!
We decided that since we were already in the town we should atleast stop and get a post card or something. We found a bar/hotel place that claimed they sold corner gas merchendice... wonderful! We parcked in front of it... got out and braved the elements and went inside. Once we got inside we there were two doors that we could enter through to got to the bar... also the place the sign said the merchendise was sold... but both the doors happened to be locked... so we never even got a stinkin post card!
Ok so we went back to the car started it up and found out that our tire was flat! So now it was time to find a real gas station that had air to fill up our tire... we went to the only gas station in the town... and the man filled up our tire for us... so to happily but what were we going to do? we were 45 min away from any other town.
Well we decided that since we were on a tourist spree we would stop and see the worlds biggest moose! 
The we thought we would go downtown and check out the little shops. We found a place to park, bunddled up and got out of the car... we were about 20 feet away from the car and we realized that it really did feel -50 out so we decided that shopping was a crappy idea.
What a fun day, full of one failed adventure after another... Can't wait for Canmore... hopefully it's a bit more sucessful!
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