Saturday, September 17, 2011
Keith Urban I want to Marry you!
Tomorrow Heather and I are bringing Krista to Keith Urban to celebrate her birthday!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Dear Andrea You Suck at Keeping Your Blog Updated
There are days that I think why do I still have a blog? It's not like I ever write on it! But I can't get rid of it, not yet. So I'm going to try to make more of an effort to post something... at least weekly! Okay lets see what's going on with me...
I'm back in school! Many of you thought I graduated, I pretended to, but I didn't pass my spanish course (that course was going to be the death of me!). So anyways I switched to the new global studies program at briercrest and I now have 2 classes to take in order to grad, neither of them a second language! So I am now taking History of Islam and Globalization!
Work: I am now working 4 days a week as a cook in the retirement home! Actually right now I'm lucky if I cook 1 day, but once they get fully staffed I will be cooking 4 days a week and then once school is finished it should move up to 5 days a week! I really like my job, especially when I get to cook!
Weight loss: I didn't do super well over the summer... I did lose a few pounds but nothing too major (like 4 or 5 lbs) so the beginning of september I joined weight watchers meetings. I definitely think it's what I needed to get myself restarted. I've been much more diligent at looking at what I'm eating and in the past 2 weeks I've lost over 7lbs! My goal this week is to lose 3 more.
Anyways I'm sure I could stay on here and write until the cows come home but I need to be off to the gym.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Krista and Isaiah's Family Pics!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
More Rhubarb Recipes
Rhubarb Crisp
8 cups rhubarb, chopped into small pieces
2 tbsp cornstarch
2-3 cups frozen or fresh strawberries
¼ cup flour
2/3 cup splenda or sugar
Topping (I made a double batch as the topping is my FAVOURITE!)
1 ¼ cups rolled oats, not instant
½ cup brown sugar (I used the Splenda substitute)
4 tbsp flour
2 tsp cinnamon
3 tbsp melted butter or margarine
In a large bowl, mix the rhubarb with the cornstarch. Add the strawberries, flour and sugar Mix well. Pour into a 9 X 13 inch baking dish. I spray the baking dish with Pam beforehand.
Into the empty bowl, mix together all of the topping ingredients. Spread the topping over the filling that is in the baking dish. Bake at 375 degrees F for 40 to 50 minutes until the filling is bubbly and the topping is brown. If the topping is browning too quickly, lower the temperature of the oven to 350 degrees.
Sugar Free Strawberry and Rhubarb Jam
Today I went to Church with Mom and the kidos and I got some free rhubarb! I haven't had a chance to do any canning freezing etc. yet this spring/summer so I thought this would be the perfect time to start. So Tonight I made up a batch of this jam. It is VERY sweet and VERY yummy!
- Ingredients
- 4 cups chopped fresh or frozen rhubarb (about 1 1/3 lbs)
- 1 cup Splenda granular
- 3/4 cup water
- shopping list
- 1 small package sugar-Free strawberry or raspberry Jell-O (4-serving size)
- 2 tsp lemon juice
- Directions:
- In a large saucepan or stockpot, stir together the fresh rhubarb and Splenda.
- Bring the rhubarb, Splenda and water to a boil over medium heat.
- Simmer, stirring, for 15 minutes.
- Remove from heat, and stir in Jell-O powder and lemon juice.
- Keep refrigerated.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
I Just Ran 5km!!!
Krista and I did our 5km run today! We both did it in just under 45 min and neither of us stopped jogging at any point! I'm ready for the next run now!!!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Technology Life and Death
Me and my electronics have had a very interesting week. I got a Macbook this week! I have been without my own computer for just over a month but I've been without a good, working computer that can access the internet for over a year now. So needless to say I'm stoked to have one again!
This week I also got a new Ipod! I went to turn on my old one and it wouldn't start so I figured no problem I'll charge it. Well that didn't work, there was nothing I could do to get this dang thing to turn on. And I don't know about you but I can not work out if I don't have music so off to walmart I went to get a new one. Well as I was loading music on my new Ipod Heather picked up my old one and IT TURNED ON! What the heck??? Well Krista now has an Ipod too!
Yesterday I was washing my bedding and when I pulled my sheets out of the washing machine my cell phone came out too... WHAT???? This is pathetic what else could go wrong with my electronics??? So now my cell phone is in a bed of rice dying out... I think I need to stay away from technology for an a while!
O Martha How I Love Thee!
I know everyone makes fun of her because she was in jail but she is my favourite! She is brilliant, okay so maybe it's her staff that are brilliant! For Christmas I was given a subscription to her Living magazine and every month I devour it! This Month there were a ton of amazing recipes for the summer. My favourite one I have tried to far is the Pineapple Cucumber Salad... here it is for you!
2 cups Pineapple
1 Cucumber
1/4 cup Fresh Basil (we had to use dried basil and we used about 2 tbs)
1/4 cup Olive Oil
Cube pineapple and grill, then cool. Slice cucumber, rip basil leaves, mix everything together. This salad is AMAZING it's so sweet and fresh and summer tasting!
Challenges Done and Challenges to Come
Wow I really suck at blogging regularly... not that I haven't tried in the past few weeks but for some reason Heather's computer wouldn't let me sign into my blog so I had to wait until I got my computer! And it came yesterday! I got my first mac and I'm loving it... when I can figure it out.
Okay so as you may or may not remember but for all of May I wasn't eating sugar, I DID IT!!! I made it through the month and was so proud of myself. Well last week I was able to eat sugar again and I did! I ate EVERYTHING this week I ate cookies, ice cream, cake and the list goes on. So after a horrid week I have decided that I need to cut out sugar again! This time it's not for a time period it's forever but I will be able to have sugar for special occasions or from time to time just not in my day to day life.
You also may or may not remember that I have signed up to do a 5km run this month. Krista and I will be doing this on Saturday! 2 weeks ago I was terrified that I wasn't going to be able to do it but last week I "ran" 5km for the first time ever and so now I know I can get this done on Saturday... I'm sure there will be pictures to follow!
This month I am doing another weight loss goal/challenge etc. I have to work out for a minimum of 5 hours a week. I've been doing it for 1 week and I've met my goal! I'm excited for the next 3 weeks to see how far I can come in this area.
And that is that. Look out for an update Sunday!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Run, Forest, Run!
I just finished registering for my first run! I never thought I would say that! It's only a 5km but it's a huge start for me! Now I just have to train so I can run 5km!
PS week 1 of no sugar and no slip ups! Also down 3.6lbs this week!
PS week 1 of no sugar and no slip ups! Also down 3.6lbs this week!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Let the Games Begin!
Okay time for a weight loss/excersise etc update!
From now to the end of summer I am part of a biggest loser competition! I'm pretty excited for it and I think it's what I need to do to step up my weight loss! As part of this competition we are going to cut out sugar for a month. I'll let you guys know how it goes... just so you know I'm planning on winning!
Krista and I have also started training for a 10km run in the fall! I'll keep you updated on that one too.
Here are a couple pics... a before I started to lose weight:

and an current picture!
From now to the end of summer I am part of a biggest loser competition! I'm pretty excited for it and I think it's what I need to do to step up my weight loss! As part of this competition we are going to cut out sugar for a month. I'll let you guys know how it goes... just so you know I'm planning on winning!
Krista and I have also started training for a 10km run in the fall! I'll keep you updated on that one too.
Here are a couple pics... a before I started to lose weight:

and an current picture!

Time for Some BIG Changes!
Since I last posted a couple things have happened in my life.
1) I resigned from my job. I am ready for a change and working 24's were just getting to be too much for me. I also got a new job! I'm going to be a cooks assistant at a retirement home! It's just a casual position so I'm not sure how many hours I'm going to be getting but I'm really excited to start there!2) I have decided to go back to school in the fall! I haven't signed up or registered for classes yet but as long as everything goes smoothly I'm going to be heading back to Brierecrest for 1 more semester to finish up my program!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
I'm going on a trip... or 2... or maybe 3???
I know that by now you know I LOVE to travel! I'm usually not too particular about where I go as long as it's a trip! Well last year I had the opportunity to go to Toronto 3 times, The Island 3 or 4 times, Californa, alberta a few times and a little road trip through the states. This year however I have stayed very close to home... the firthest I got to go was Regina! So I'm soooo excited that I can start my "adventures" again! Where am I going you might ask? Vancouver Island!!! I know this on is not sooo exciting any more as it's something I have been able to do often... but trust me when it means getting out of caronport it's WONDERFUL! About a month after that trip Heather and I are going to dust off our passports and head down to Minot, ND for a couple nights... what's more fun then shopping in the States??? And lastly we are hoping to take another real vacation in October... where you might ask? you'll just have to wait and see!!!
Where Have I Been???
O my goodness! Where has the past month gone??? I feel like just yesterday February ended and now it's almost April! March has been a wonderful month for so many ways! I have enjoyed watching my new, okay my only, nephew grow. Even though he is only 1 month old I can see such changes in him... his personality is already reminding me of Krista's! The weather is fianlly improving! We still have some -20 days but we have more +1 days too! With the nicer weather also comes melting snow! If you know me at al I HATE snow so this is extra wonderful for me! This month I reach my first major weight loss goal since startingWW... I am now under 200lbs! I have been struggling some with sticking to the plan but I think I've finally got over that hump and I'm ready to continue! Over the past few months my "running" had stopped. I found it so hard and I idn't enjoy it... but last week I decided that if I'm going to get that 10k in this year I need to start pushing myself! So I started up with jogging again and right away I was able to go 1 mile! When I started working out I could go about 30 seconds before I had a heart attack... now I can go 13:20 all at one time!!!! So by next month I'm hoping I'll be able to run 2 miles... 16:40...I can hope right? So that's my little last month update in a nut shell!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Time for a Goal Update
So January is over which means I only have 11 months to finish my goals, lets see how I'm doing!1) Participate in a 10k run
I've been traning by running 3 times weekly on the treadmill. I can now run for 4 min at a time and today I ran 20 min in total. Soooooo all that to say I have a lot more work but I'm slowly moving in that direction.
2) Lose 50lbs
I'm only down 3lbs this month :S but I'm trying to stick with Weight Watchers and excersising so all I can do is keep doing is try.
3) Go to a country I've never been to
well I have put over $300 in savings now for this trip!!!! Now I just need a travel friend!
4) Learn to make GF bread
well I haven't really tried yet but I've been doing some other GF baking
5) Spend more time reading my Bible and Praying
I have found that my time at the gym is a great time to pray, listen to messages on my Ipod and inspiring music.
So there it is my month #1 update. How are your New Years goals going?
I've been traning by running 3 times weekly on the treadmill. I can now run for 4 min at a time and today I ran 20 min in total. Soooooo all that to say I have a lot more work but I'm slowly moving in that direction.
2) Lose 50lbs
I'm only down 3lbs this month :S but I'm trying to stick with Weight Watchers and excersising so all I can do is keep doing is try.
3) Go to a country I've never been to
well I have put over $300 in savings now for this trip!!!! Now I just need a travel friend!
4) Learn to make GF bread
well I haven't really tried yet but I've been doing some other GF baking
5) Spend more time reading my Bible and Praying
I have found that my time at the gym is a great time to pray, listen to messages on my Ipod and inspiring music.
So there it is my month #1 update. How are your New Years goals going?
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Kraft Dinner
The past few days I have been spending lots of times with the kids and they never fail to say something to make me laugh...
on the weekend we went over to mom and dad's for supper.
Krista: "What did you have for lunch?"
Aiden: "macaroni and cheese."
Andrea: "No, Aiden. You had Kraft Dinner"
Aiden gave me a confused and disgusted look
Aiden: "Andrea that is rude, don't say that! No crap for dinner. That is yucky."
on the weekend we went over to mom and dad's for supper.
Krista: "What did you have for lunch?"
Aiden: "macaroni and cheese."
Andrea: "No, Aiden. You had Kraft Dinner"
Aiden gave me a confused and disgusted look
Aiden: "Andrea that is rude, don't say that! No crap for dinner. That is yucky."
Saturday, January 15, 2011
High Valley
Tonight Heather, Krista and I went to see High Valley with a couple friends. They put on an amazing show! I would highly recomend going to see them if they are in your area.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
It's a New Year!
It's a new year so guess what... time for some resolutions! I know I'm going to write them all just so I can break them but that's okay! This year I decided that I should write 10 goals for the year 2011... once I started writing goals I realized that I couldn't come up with 10 so I decided to settle for 5, so here they are:
- Participate in a 10k run
- Lose 50lbs
- Go to a country I've never been to
- Learn how to make good gluten free bread
- Spend more time praying and studying my Bible.
Okay so lets see how I do! What are your resolutions?
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